Black Hmong, Red Dzao and Love Markets

In my previous post, I wrote about my itinerary for the Vietnam trip with my family. This one is a continuation of that where I will tell you interesting insights about the ethnic minority villages and tribes of north Vietnam and how their life has grown or changed over the years. We visited some minority … Continue reading Black Hmong, Red Dzao and Love Markets

My European Venture: Looking back at Como – Bellagio – Lugano

Year 2013. Having been selected for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship to study at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, I got to travel abroad for the first time in my life in this year. And from then on I’ve traveled to many countries, seen beautiful places, met people from different cultures and it has been an interesting journey. Continue reading My European Venture: Looking back at Como – Bellagio – Lugano

Mon premier blog français: Vivre à Nantes (My first blog post in French: Life in Nantes)

Dans ce post, je vais faire une petite liste des endroits où on peut manger, prendre un verre et passer un bon moment à Nantes, ma nouvelle maison pendant deux ans. Lieux pour prendre un verre: Maison des Vins de Loire de Nantes Pour les vins typiques à Nantes, ceci est l’endroit où aller. Havana … Continue reading Mon premier blog français: Vivre à Nantes (My first blog post in French: Life in Nantes)