My European Venture: Erasmus

For those who are not acquainted with the term “Erasmus”, it is a culture in Europe for organizing student exchanges between Universities. Although in the beginning it started with exchanges among European universities, it has extended all around the world with students from Non-European countries coming to Europe for studying and vice-versa. Ask any student … Continue reading My European Venture: Erasmus

Prayana ’12 – A project collaboration

From December 7th to 9th, we showed our college what we could do if we join hands together. Our Student Social Responsibility Projects turned into a celebration when we decided to club all our projects into a single full-fledged event. Mechanical Department Association “Lakshya”  joined hands with Corporate and Industry Relations (CIR) department of our … Continue reading Prayana ’12 – A project collaboration

ACWR 2011 – International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief

Can a single conference bring about huge changes? Well, this one sure has and sure will. ACWR 2011 was an International conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief held at our campus (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri) from December 18th to 21st. The first thoughts on holding such a conference first came from the mind of … Continue reading ACWR 2011 – International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief

Interpreting GPS

Basic intro to how GPS works: A GPS module receives data from different satellites(24 satellites are orbiting the earth for this purpose). GPS calculates the distance between the receiver and the position of three or more satellites to zero in on the position of the receiver. This is a simple way of explaining how a … Continue reading Interpreting GPS

Arduino: A new platform

Arduino is the first of it’s kind – An open-source electronics prototyping platform fit for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone who would like to mess with electronics and make some interactive environments or objects. Arduino has been developed in Italy by the Arduino Team: Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, Tom Igoe, Gianluca Martino, and David Mellis. … Continue reading Arduino: A new platform