Sauteed Mushrooms

Last time I went home, I got a chance to prepare another dish : Sauteed Mushroom. This time I was more well equipped : Armed with good knives, and cutting boards I set out. I had a helping hand : An amateur just like me, my good friend Vishnu. Ingredients: Mushrooms ( 250 – 350 … Continue reading Sauteed Mushrooms

Interpreting GPS

Basic intro to how GPS works: A GPS module receives data from different satellites(24 satellites are orbiting the earth for this purpose). GPS calculates the distance between the receiver and the position of three or more satellites to zero in on the position of the receiver. This is a simple way of explaining how a … Continue reading Interpreting GPS

Arduino: A new platform

Arduino is the first of it’s kind – An open-source electronics prototyping platform fit for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone who would like to mess with electronics and make some interactive environments or objects. Arduino has been developed in Italy by the Arduino Team: Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, Tom Igoe, Gianluca Martino, and David Mellis. … Continue reading Arduino: A new platform